woman saving to buy yarn to make traditional bags
woman saving to buy yarn to make traditional bags

Oranat Saving to Buy Yarn to Make Bags

Hello, my name is Mrs. Oranat Chomjansawang I am a member of First fruit Savings group for more than 10 months.

Why are you a member of this group?
Because I want this group to be a way for me to develop myself and I want it to be a good example for my children.
What is the total amount of money you have saved?
10,000 Baht ($322)
What do you plan to do with the money you have saved?
I plan to use the money for way to have a better life in the future.
Have you ever borrowed money from your group? If yes, how much money did you borrow and what did you buy with it?
Yes, I borrowed 1,000 Baht ($32). I bought the yarn to make Karen bags to sell.
Since becoming a group member how has your financial situation changed?
My financial situation has been improving. Because I have earned some more money from selling the bags.
Since becoming a member of this group how has your relationship changed with;
God, my relationship with God has been changing in a better way. I have more understanding about the blessings of God.
Others, I can understand other people more and my relationship with other people is better, too.
Yourself, I feel good and I am proud of myself. I understand more about my goal for the future.
Creation, I am impressed by the creation of God. God created everything for human to use and to live in/with it peacefully.

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