Mrs. Nongyao Cherdchukeereemat has been a member of First Fruit Savings group for 10 months.
Read what she has to say about her group. “I want this group to be a way for me to develop myself and I want to have good relationship with other people so that we can help each other. So far, I saved a total of 10,000 baht ($323) I plan to use the money for my family. I borrowed 1,000 baht ($32). I bought the yarn to make Karen’s traditional bags. By doing this I earned some more money, this has helped improve my financial situation. And I have more understanding about how to spend my money wisely and save. Now I have goals for the money I have saved. I learned more about the blessings of God and now I know that all the possessions come from God, and they are God’s. I have good relationship with other people, and we have more sympathy for each other. I have more understanding about myself and others. I open my heart to God more and I know more about the needs of other people. I have good relationship with God’s creation because I know that if I take care of it, I will get good benefits from it.